Monday, February 3, 2014

Od's Mysterious Disappearance (Post 2)

Freya was said to be a personification of the earth and such she married Odur, a symbol of the summer sun. The two were so in love, almost always by each other's side smiling and perfectly happy. Though one morning, Freya awoke and reached out to grab the hand of her love, but he was gone. She searched the room trying to find Odur, becoming more frantic upon discovering he was nowhere to be found. Her desperate cries filled the air and she felt he had left her, and feared he may have died. Freya scoured the lands in search of her lost love, and as she looked, she wept tears of gold. Some tears fell into the seas and were transformed into pools of amber.  She searched by foot, as well as using her falcon cloak, to rise high into the sky in attempt of finding her love. Eventually, he was found, and though she was ecstatic to discover that he was still alive, he had been banished and lost at sea; he was transformed into a hideous sea monster. Even so, she remained faithful by his side. One fateful day not long after, Od was murdered, and Freya became enraged, threatening to kill the other Gods. To make peace with her, it was agreed that he would have a place in Valhalla, despite not dying heroically in battle.


  1. Rylee I thought your summary of Freya's marriage was really well written. It was clear, concise and to the point. I understood what you were trying to say. Keep up the good work.:)

  2. i thought you did a great job on this post it was nicely stated. And that is a beautiful picture by the way.

  3. Tears of gold?! She must have weighed a ton! Anyway, I thought you did a nice job summarizing. There were a lot of details, which gave me a good picture of what happened.
