Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Melancholy of My Marriage (Post 9)

It was a beautiful day; the birds were singing and the sky was bright.  When I had awaken, I was a bit taken aback to realize my husband was absent from our bed.  Being the god of the sun, I figured he had just waken up early, but as I walked around our home and garden, he was nowhere to be found.  I walked around Midguard inquiring every person I saw, but no one had seen him, and they kept persisting that he had died. I did not believe this, as my heart insisted that he was alive and well.  I knew he was a wanderer at heart, after all, this was not the first time he had disappeared; but he always returned and pleaded me for forgiveness.  It was an odd relationship we had.  We loved each other dearly, but we both had our fair share of adultery.  Anyway,  I went back to our home to fetch my falcon cloak and set off on my pursuit.  I prepared for my journey, and finally set off, soaring upward into the sky in search of my love.  It was tiring, and I passed over many lands.
 After the long, exhausting journey, I finally found Od, in some sea that was far south.  I was flying low, allowing the salty air and gentle breeze to keep me awake, when this horrid creature erupted from the water and startled me.  It floated there in the water, watching me.  As frightened as I was, I slowly came closer to him.  I stared into his eyes, which were a deep emerald green - just like Od's.  I shook the thought from my mind and was ready to continue my search, but my heart would not allow me to go.  The creature spoke, and his voice was the same melodic tone that I had fallen for.  He told me how he had wanted to go somewhere warmer, but on the way there, he was banished at sea and turned to the hideous monster. Regardless of his new appearance, I forgave him and remained by his side.  I could not revert him to the man he once was, but I still loved him, and he loved me.

Not long after, I left him ashore at the sea for a short while, and when I came back, his body was slain.  I ran to him and hugged his still-warm body, but he was gone.  I swore that I would avenge him, and kill whoever had committed this heinous crime.  When I found it was the other gods who had murdered him, she was enraged.  To placate her, they offered Od a place in Valhalla, despite the fact that he was not heroically killed in battle.


  1. Sad story. I like how you used many pictures in your post.

  2. I love the way you told your myth! So much detail.
