Friday, February 14, 2014

Character Development (Post 5)

Freya is the protagonist of this myth as she searches the lands for her lost husband.  Freya is the goddess of fertility, beauty, and love.  Her hair is long and blonde, and her eyes are bright blue, making her renowned for her beauty.  She wears an enchanting necklace known as the Brisingamen, which only enhances her charm.  
Her husband, of whom she loves dearly, is Odur.  He is the god of the summer sun, and she the symbol of the earth, which bounds them together.  Odur is a bit of a flirt himself, and in this myth he wanders off only to get lost at sea.  

    Throughout the story, Freya goes through many different emotions.  She was angry and     distraught at the thought of Od leaving her, and so she set off on her journey.  Upon             finding him, her distress turned to compassion and forgiveness and soon after his death:     fury.  This emotion led her to turn on the other gods and goddesses whom she thought         committed the crime, and so she resented them until they offered her a placation of his           death.

    Of course, Od also changed throughout the story, as he went from a wandering husband to     a hideous sea monster.  His appearance was not the only difference, however.  After Freya     found and forgave him, he was overjoyed and swore to never leave her again. 

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