Monday, February 10, 2014

Setting of Od's Disappearance (Post 4)

The sun slowly rose that morning, leaving a gentle wash of light bring the room to life.  All was silent, too silent.  There was no other breath, no other heartbeat, other than her own.  The only thing left was the faint scent of Od imprinted in the wrinkled sheets.  As the sun rose higher in the sky, the room brightened, but revealing no trace of him.  With salty tears of gold streaming along the delicate curves of her face, Freya set draped her dark falcon cloak over her shoulders and lifted herself into the sky.  The crisp, cool air twirled her hair and soon ruffled her feathers.  The wind howled high above the green pastures below, and gold droplets descend to the earth, embedding themselves in the soft dirt.  As the sea neared, the strong taste of salt filled the air.  The water was warm, but with a refreshing coolness.  A figure floated in the water; it was enormous and unsightly, yet still approachable.  The eyes were dim and sad, and very recognizable as Od's. His skin was scaly and rough, smelling of sea foam and fish.  No matter though, for he was still the same being.

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