Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Introduction (Post 1)

Kveðja (Greetings), I am Freya, daughter of Njord, sister of Freyr, and wife of Od.  I am the Norse goddess of love, fertility, and beauty.  Along with these I am a patron goddess of crops and birth.  I symbolize sensuality and give very good love advice!  I belong to a group of gods and goddesses called the Vanir, who are all connected with nature, such as fascinating places and animals and unseen realms.
  Some of my favorite things are music (especially love songs) and flowers, and Spring is my favorite season. All of the lifeless plants that sprout up into delicate blossoms and colorful meadows...  Oh!  I also adore fairies, and cats are my favorite animal.  In fact, my chariot is led by them!
My hair is long and golden, and my eyes are crystal blue.  You will always see me wearing my Brisingamen; it is this astonishing necklace made of rubies and amber.  I also have a mystic falcon cloak, and I sometimes use it to mask myself as a bird.  
Far vel vinr (Farewell friend), and thank you for taking the time to get to know me.


  1. This is really well written! It describes Freya really well in my opinion, it taught me alot about the goddess which I had honestly never heard of before! Good work Rylee, keep it up.(:

  2. I love the way you started it with the hello in a goodbye in the different langue! that really grabbed my attention. It was obivbious that you researched and knew what you where talking about.. Really good job!
